Accident Law

If you were seriously injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to substantial financial compensation. You could receive payment to compensate for the many expenses and losses that were caused by your accident injuries.

Automobile Accidents

Drivers have a legal obligation to drive in a safe manner. If a driver is careless or negligent and causes an accident, they may be held responsible for the harm the accident caused. Amos Law helps people who were seriously injured in accidents caused by drivers who were drunk, stoned, distracted, breaking traffic laws, or otherwise reckless or negligent.

If you or a loved one were seriously injured in an auto accident, you have many problems to deal with -- physical pain, adjusting to limitations, mental stress, dealing with medical bills and expenses, and dealing with an insurance company that cares a lot more about saving money than it does about helping you. 

An experienced personal injury lawyer will negotiate on your behalf so that you don’t have to and will stand up to the insurance company to protect your rights and ensure that you get the full and fair compensation that North Carolina law provides.

If you or a loved one live in North Carolina and have injuries from an accident that required surgery or hospitalization, contact Amos Law for a free consultation.

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