You may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits (SSD or SSDI) if you were previously employed but can no longer work because of a physical or mental disability, illness, injury, or condition. Applying for SSD benefits can be complicated and confusing. Contact Amos Law to find out how we can help.
Many people have their SSD claims denied, often several times, before they are successful in getting the benefits they deserve. It’s very important that you keep on trying and don’t give up. You have the right to request a reconsideration of the denial. You usually have 60 days from the time of the denial to file a request for a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).
Your chances of receiving SSD benefits go way up if you have a Social Security Disability lawyer represent you through the reconsideration process, rather than trying to handle it on your own. Only 41% of people without a lawyer were ultimately successful in getting SSD benefits, while 70% of people with a lawyer ultimately had their claims approved and were able to receive their SSD benefits.
You need to act quickly, especially if your claim has been denied. For help with your Social Security Disability hearing Nationwide, contact Amos Law for the dedicated and effective legal help you need.
The Amos Law Firm, PLLC